1 мин

My thankfull heart with glorying Tongue

My thankfull heart with glorying

Shall celebrate thy Name,

Who hath restor'd, redeem'd,

From sicknes, death, and Pain.

I cry'd thov seem'st to make some stay,

I sovght more earnestly;

And in due time thou succóur'st me,

And sent'st me help from High.

Lord, whilst my fleeting time shall last,

Thy Goodnes let me Tell.

And new Experience I haue gain'd,

My future Doubts repell.

An humble, faitefull life,

O Lord,

For ever let me walk;

Let my obedience testefye,

My Praise lyes not in Talk.


O Lord, my simple mite,

For more I cannot giue;

What thou bestow'st I shall restore,

For of thine Almes I liue.


Anne Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet (née Dudley; March 20, 1612 – September 16, 1672) was the most prominent of early English poets of North America and first write…

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