1 min read

Staff Nurse New Style

Blue-eyed and bright of face but waning

Into the sere of virginal decay,

I view her as she enters, day by day,

As a sweet sunset almost overpast.

Kindly and calm, patrician to the last,

Superbly falls her gown of sober gray,

And on her chignon's elegant

The plainest cap is somehow touched with caste.

She talks

EN; frowns


AC'S name, sighs it at 'poor



Knows that she has exceeding pretty hands;

Speaks Latin with a right accentuation;

And gives at need (as one who understands)Draught, counsel, diagnosis, exhortation.

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William Ernest Henley

William Ernest Henley (23 August 1849 – 11 July 1903) was an English poet, writer, critic and editor in late Victorian England. Though he wrote …

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