2 min read

I Have Been Through The Gates

His heart to me, was a place of palaces and pinnacles and shining towers;

I saw it then as we see things in dreams,—I do not remember how long I slept;

I remember the tress, and the high, white walls, and how the sun was always on the          towers;

The walls are standing to-day, and the gates;

I have been through the gates,

I have          groped,

I have

Back, back.

There is dust in the streets, and blood; they are empty; darkness is over          them;

His heart is a place with the lights gone out, forsaken by great winds and the heavenly          rain, unclean and unswept,

Like the heart of the holy city, old blind, beautiful Jerusalem;                     Over which Christ wept

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Charlotte Mary Mew

Charlotte Mary Mew (15 November 1869 – 24 March 1928) was an English poet whose work spans the eras of Victorian poetry and Modernism.

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