2 min read

My Love Do Not Ask Me

Do not ask me, the name of my loveI fear for you, from the fragrance of perfumecontained in a bottle, if you smashed it,drowning you, in spilled

By God, if you even croaked a letter,

Lilacs would pile up on the

Do not look for it here in my chestI have left it to run with the

You can see it in the laughter of

In the flutter of

In the ocean, in the breathing of dalesand in the song of every nightingalein the tears of winter, when winter criesin the giving of a generous

Do not ask about his lips…as elegant as the

And his eyes, a shore of

And his waist, the sway of a

Charms…which no book has

Nor described by a literate's

And his chest, his throat, enough for youI won't breath his name, my lover…

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Nizar Qabbani

Nizar Tawfiq Qabbani (21 March 1923 – 30 April 1998) was a Syrian diplomat, poet, writer and publisher. His poetic style combines simplicity and…

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