1 min read


LL: we two shall still meet day by day,

Live side by side;

But never more shall heart respond to heart.    Two stranger boats can drift adown one tide,

Two branches on one stem grow green apart.


I say.

Farewell: chance travellers, as the path they tread,

Change words and smile,

And share their travellers' fortunes, friend with friend,    And yet are foreign in their thoughts the while,

Several, alone, save that one way they wend.

Farewell; 'tis said.

Farewell: ever the bitter

Outlives love's rose;

The fruit and blossom of the dead for us.    Ah, answer me, should this have been the close,

To be together and be sundered thus?

But yet, farewell.

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Augusta Davies Webster

Augusta Webster (30 January 1837 – 5 September 1894) was an English poet, dramatist, essayist, and translator. The daughter of Vice-admiral Geor…

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