2 мин

A Visit To The Asylum

Once from a big, big building,

When I was small, small,

The queer folk in the

Would smile at me and call.

And in the hard wee

Such pleasant men would hoe:"Sir, may we touch the little girl's hair!" —It was so red, you know.

They cut me coloured

With shears so sharp and neat,

They brought me grapes and plums and

And pretty cakes to eat.

And out of all the windows,

No matter where we went,

The merriest eyes would follow

And make me compliment.

There were a thousand windows,

All latticed up and down.

And up to all the windows,

When we went back to town,

The queer folk put their faces,

As gentle as could be;"Come again, little girl!" they called, and

Called back, "You come see me!"


Edna St. Vincent Millay

Edna St. Vincent Millay (February 22, 1892 – October 19, 1950) was an American lyrical poet and playwright.

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