2 мин

Etesia Absent

Love, the world's life!

What a sad

Thy absence is to lose our

At once and die, is but to

Enlarged, without the scant

Of pulse and air: whose dull

And narrow circles the soul mourns.

But to be dead alive, and

To wish, but never have our will:

To be possessed, and yet to miss;

To wed a true but absent bliss:

Are lingering tortures, and their

Dissects and racks and grinds the heart!

As soul and body in that

Which unto us seems separate,

Cannot be said to live,

Reunion; which days

And slow-paced seasons: so in

Through hours and minutes (Time's long train,)I look for thee, and from thy sight,

As from my soul, for life and light.

For till thine eyes shine so on me,

Mine are fast-closed and will not see.


Henry Vaughan

Henry Vaughan (17 April 1621 – 23 April 1695) was a Welsh metaphysical poet, author, translator and physician, writing in English. He is chiefly…

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