2 min read

Inniskeen Road July Evening

The bicycles go by in twos and threes -There's a dance in Billy Brennan's barn to-night,

And there's the half-talk code of

And the wink-and-elbow language of delight.

Half-past eight and there is not a

Upon a mile of road, no shadow

That might turn out a man or woman, notA footfall tapping secrecies of stone.

I have what every poet hates in

Of all the solemn talk of contemplation.


Alexander Selkirk knew the

Of being king and government and nation.

A road, a mile of kingdom,

I am

Of banks and stones and every blooming thing."Oh,

Alexander Selkirk knew the

Of being king and government and nation."A reference to the castaway Alexander Selkirk who was imoortalised by Daniel Defoe as "Robinson Crusoe"

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Patrick Kavanagh

Patrick Kavanagh (21 October 1904 – 30 November 1967) was an Irish poet and novelist. His best-known works include the novel Tarry Flynn, and th…

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