1 мин

Sonnet 31 With How Sad Steps

With how sad steps,

O Moon, thou climb'st the skies!

How silently, and with how wan a face!

What, may it be that even in heav'nly

That busy archer his sharp arrows tries!

Sure, if that long-with love-acquainted

Can judge of love, thou feel'st a lover's case,

I read it in thy looks; thy languish'd

To me, that feel the like, thy state descries.

Then, ev'n of fellowship,

O Moon, tell me,

Is constant love deem'd there but want of wit?

Are beauties there as proud as here they be?

Do they above love to be lov'd, and

Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess?

Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?


Sir Philip Sidney

Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, scholar and soldier who is remembered as one of the most p…

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