1 min read

They Who Prepare My Evening Meal

They who prepare my evening meal below Carelessly hit the kettle as they go With tongs or shovel,

And ringing round and round,

Out of this hovel It makes an eastern temple by the sound.

At first I thought a cow bell right at hand Mid birches sounded o'er the open land,

Where I plucked flowers Many years ago,

Spending midsummer hours With such secure delight they hardly seemed to flow.

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Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau (see name pronunciation; July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher.[3] A lead…

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Это уже очень подло и нечестно.. к сожалению, видимо, Россия не станет той страной, о которой я здесь так много писала..свободной и безопасной для всех людей.. а жаль.. 😞
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