2 min read

To any army wife

To any army wife, in Sardis:

Some say a cavalry corps,some infantry, some again,will maintain that the swift oarsof our fleet are the finestsight on dark earth; but I saythat whatever one loves, is.

This is easily proved: didnot Helen —- she who had scannedthe flower of the world's manhood —-choose as first among men onewho laid Troy's honor in ruin?warped to his will, forgettinglove due her own blood, her ownchild, she wandered far with him.

So Anactoria, although youbeing far away forget us,the dear sound of your footstepand light glancing in your eyeswould move me more than glitterof Lydian horse or armoredtread of mainland infantrytranslated by:


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Sappho Sappho

Sappho (c. 630 – c. 570 BCE) was an Archaic Greek poet from the island of Lesbos.[a] Sappho is known for her lyric poetry, written to be sung wh…

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