2 мин

The dignity of education master

The dignity of education master

Md. Hedaetul Islam

The first education was given by my education teacher,

my life started with the education of the education teacher.

Education master used to give more initiation with love,

Education master love disciplined more education.

The education master used to guide me on the right path,

If I went on the wrong path,

the education master would scold me loudly.

He lived well like a child,

He gave the light of education gradually.

The teacher used to cry because of my failure,

The teacher used to smile because of my success.

The education master gave me a lot of blessings,

I am still walking on the path of life with

the strength of that blessing.

There is no comparison of the education master in this sense,

I place the dignity of the education master in the big heart.


MD HEDAETUL ISLAM Поэт Мд Хедатул Ислам

Poet Biography: Poet Md. Hedaetul Islam. He is from Sirajganj, the heart of North Bengal, Bangladesh. While studying at Dhaka University, he is …

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