John Donne1 min readСлушатьHero and LeanderBoth robb'd of air, we both lie in one ground ;Both whom one fire had burnt, one water drown'dheroandleanderPoetry John Donne — heroPoetry John Donne — andPoetry John Donne — leander0041Give AwardJohn DonneJohn Donne (22 January 1572[1] – 31 March 1631) was an English poet, scholar, soldier and secretary born into a Catholic family, a remnant of th…Other author postsNo Man is an IslandN man is an islan, Entir f itslf, Evry man is a pi f th ntinnt, A part f th main.…CommentsYou need to be signed in to write comments
No Man is an IslandN man is an islan, Entir f itslf, Evry man is a pi f th ntinnt, A part f th main.…
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Similar tag andTo my Dear and Loving HusbandIf vr tw wr n, thn surly w. If vr man wr lv' by wif, thn th. If vr wif was happy in a man, Cmpar with m, y wmn, if yu an.…Anne Bradstreet
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