1 мин

Sonnet XXV

We are in Fate and Fate's and do but

Outness from soul to know ourselves its dwelling,

And do but compel Fate aside or

By Fate's own immanence in the compelling.

We are too far in us from outward

To know how much we are not what we are,

And live but in the heat of error's youth,

Yet young enough its acting youth to ignore.

The doubleness of mind fails us, to

At our exterior presence amid things,

Sizing from otherness our

And seeing our puppet will's act-acting strings.  An unknown language speaks in us, which we  Are at the words of, fronted from reality.


Fernando Pessoa

Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (13 June 1888 – 30 November 1935) was a Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic, translator, publisher and phi…

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