1 мин

Russian Cathedral

Bow down my soul in worship very

And in the holy silences be lost.

Bow down before the marble man of woe,

Bow down before the singing angel host.

What jewelled glory fills my spirit's eye,

What golden grandeur moves the depths of me!

The soaring arches lift me up on high Taking my breath with their rare symmetry.

Bow down my soul and let the wondrous

Of beauty bathe thee from her lofty throne,

Bow down before the wonder of man's might.

Bow down in worship, humble and alone;

Bow lowly down before the sacred

Of man's divinity alive in stone.


Claude McKay

Festus Claudius "Claude" McKay (September 15, 1889[1] – May 22, 1948) was a Jamaican writer and poet, and was a central figure in the Harlem Ren…

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