2 мин

The Kiss A Dialogue

Among thy fancies, tell me this,

What is the thing we call a kiss?  I shall resolve ye what it is:—It is a creature born and

Between the lips, all cherry-red,

By love and warm desires

US.  And makes more soft the bridal bed.  It is an active flame, that

First to the babies of the eyes,

And charms them there with

US.  And stills the bride, too, when she cries.  Then to the chin, the cheek, the ear,

It frisks and flies, now here, now there:'Tis now far off, and then 'tis

US.  And here, and there, and every where.  Has it a speaking virtue?    Yes.  How speaks it, say?    Do you but this,—Part your join'd lips, then speaks your kiss;

US.  And this Love's sweetest language is.  Has it a body?    Ay, and wings,

With thousand rare encolourings;

And as it flies, it gently

US.  Love honey yields, but never stings.


Robert Herrick

Robert Herrick (baptised 24 August 1591–buried 15 October 1674) was a 17th-century English lyric poet and cleric. He is best known for Hesperide…

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