3 мин

Earth The Healer Earth The Keeper

So swift the hours are

Unto the time unproved:

Farewell my love unloving,

Farewell my love beloved!

What! are we not glad-hearted?

Is there no deed to do?

Is not all fear

And Spring-tide blossomed new?

The sails swell out above us,

The sea-ridge lifts the keel;

For They have called who love us,

Who bear the gifts that heal:

A crown for him that winneth,

A bed for him that fails,

A glory that

In never-dying tales.

Yet now the pain is

And the glad hand grips the sword,

Look on thy life

And deal out due award.

Think of the thankless morning,

The gifts of noon unused;

Think of the eve of scorning,

The night of prayer refused.

And yet.

The life before it,

Dost thou remember aught,

What terrors shivered o'er

Born from the hell of thought?

And this that cometh after:

How dost thou live, and

To meet its empty laughter,

To face its friendless care?

In fear didst thou desire,

At peace dost thou regret,

The wasting of the fire,

The tangling of the net.

Love came and gat fair greeting;

Love went; and left no shame.

Shall both the twilights

The summer sunlight blame?

What! cometh love and

Like the dark night's empty wind,

Because thy folly

The harvest of the blind?

Hast thou slain love with sorrow?

Have thy tears quenched the sun?

Nay even yet

Shall many a deed be done.

This twilight sea thou sailest,

Has it grown dim and

For that wherein thou failest,

And the story of thy lack?

Peace then! for thine old

Was born of Earth the kind,

And the sad tale thou art leaving Earth shall not leave behind.

Peace! for that joy

Whereon thou layest

Earth keepeth for a

For the day when this is old.

Thy soul and life shall perish,

And thy name as last night's wind;

But Earth the deed shall

That thou today shalt find.

And all thy joy and sorrow So great but yesterday,

So light a thing tomorrow,

Shall never pass away.

Lo! lo! the dawn-blink yonder,

The sunrise draweth nigh,

And men forget to

That they were born to die.

Then praise the deed that

Through the daylight and the mirth!

The tale that never

Whoso may dwell on earth.


William Morris

William Morris (24 March 1834 – 3 October 1896) was a British textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist associated wi…

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