2 мин

Pen & Paper

Pen  Paper - idea, poetry, tamarisk

A pen and paper with me 

Without knowing for what use it could be. 

Then i see thought

But it comes with a knot, 

Between me and the thought. 

It almost blinded me 

I was looking for a thought in the dark spot

It was all black and black with a little shine

And I knew that shines is what i need to find

So I went near, but with the fear

What if it runs away, what if it fades?

But I took the risk with knowing this

That I could miss it 

But with also knowing this

That I could see through it 

And now I see it,

The thought

The knot

The fight i fought

For that one thought 

And I took the risk

Of finding that clue 

And now so should you.

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