2 min read

To John Keats

'Tis well you think me truly one of those,

Whose sense discerns the loveliness of things;

For surely as I feel the bird that

Behind the leaves, or dawn as it up grows,

Or the rich bee rejoicing as he goes,

Or the glad issue of emerging springs,

Or overhead the glide of a dove's wings,

Or turf, or trees, or, midst of all, repose.

And surely as I feel things lovelier still,

The human look, and the harmonious

Containing woman, and the smile in ill,

And such a heart as Charles's, wise and warm,--As surely as all this,

I see, ev'n now,

Young Keats, a flowering laurel on your brow.(line 12): as Charles's...:

Hunt notes, "Charles C.

C. [Cowden Clarke], a mutual friend."

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James Henry Leigh Hunt

James Henry Leigh Hunt (19 October 1784 – 28 August 1859), best known as Leigh Hunt, was an English critic, essayist and poet.

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