1 min read

The Street

Here is a long and silent street.

I walk in blackness and I stumble and falland rise, and I walk blind, my feettrampling the silent stones and the dry leaves.

Someone behind me also tramples, stones, leaves:if I slow down, he slows;if I run, he runs      I turn :nobody.

Everything dark and doorless,only my steps aware of me,

I turning and turning among these cornerswhich lead forever to the streetwhere nobody waits for, nobody follows me,where I pursue a man who stumblesand rises and says when he sees me:nobody.

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Octavio Paz

Octavio Paz Lozano (March 31, 1914 – April 19, 1998) was a Mexican poet and diplomat. For his body of work, he was awarded the 1981 Miguel de Ce…

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