1 min read

No Word

I have had not one word from

Frankly I wish I were dead.

When she left, she wepta great deal; she said tome, ``This parting must beendured,

Sappho.  I go unwillingly.''I said, ``Go, and be happybut remember (you knowwell) whom you leave shackled by love``If you forget me, thinkof our gifts to Aphroditeand all the loveliness that we shared``all the violet tiaras,braided rosebuds, dill andcrocus twined around your young neck``myrrh poured on your headand on soft mats girls withall that they most wished for beside them``while no voices chantedchoruses without ours,no woodlot bloomed in spring without song…''translated by:


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Sappho Sappho

Sappho (c. 630 – c. 570 BCE) was an Archaic Greek poet from the island of Lesbos.[a] Sappho is known for her lyric poetry, written to be sung wh…

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