2 min read


Imaginez Diane en galant équipage,

Parcourant les forêts ou battant les halliers,

Cheveux et gorge au vent, s'enivrant de tapage,

Superbe et défiant les meilleurs cavaliers!

Avez-vous vu Théroigne, amante du carnage,

Excitant à l'assaut un peuple sans souliers,

La joue et l'oeil en feu, jouant son personnage,

Et montant, sabre au poing, les royaux escaliers?

Telle la Sisina!

Mais la douce guerrièreÀ l'âme charitable autant que meurtrière;

Son courage, affolé de poudre et de tambours,

Devant les suppliants sait mettre bas les armes,

Et son coeur, ravagé par la flamme, a toujours,

Pour qui s'en montre digne, un réservoir de larmes.

Imagine Diana in elegant attire,

Roaming through the forest, or beating the thickets,

Hair flying in the wind, breast bare, drunk with the noise,

Superb, defying the finest horsemen!

Have you seen Théroigne that lover of carnage,

Urging a barefoot mob on to attack,

Her eyes and cheeks aflame, playing her role,

And climbing, sword in hand, the royal staircase?

That is Sisina!

But the sweet amazon's

Is as charitable as it is murderous;

Her courage, exalted by powder and by drums,

Before supplicants, knows how to lay down its arms,

And her heart, ravaged by love, has always,

For him who is worthy, a reservoir of tears.— Translated by William

Sisina Picture Diana, gallantly arrayed,

Ranging the woods, elated with the chase,

With flying hair and naked breasts displayed,

Defying fleetest horsemen with her pace.

Know you Theroigne whom blood and fire exalt,

Hounding a shoeless rabble to the fray,

Up royal stairways heading the assault,

And mounting, sword in hand, to show the way?

Such is Sisina.

Terrible her arms.

But charity restrains her killing charms.

Though rolling drums and scent of powder

Her courage, — laying by its pikes and spears,

For those who merit, her scorched heart will sadden,

And open, in its depth, a well of tears.

Translated by Roy Campbell

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Charles Baudelaire

Charles Pierre Baudelaire (9 April 1821 – 31 August 1867) was a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and one o…

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