2 min read

Laughter And Death

RE is no laughter in the natural world  Of beast or fish or bird, though no sad doubt  Of their futurity to them unfurled  Has dared to check the mirth-compelling shout.  The lion roars his solemn thunder out  To the sleeping woods.

The eagle screams her cry.  Even the lark must strain a serious throat  To hurl his blest defiance at the sky.  Fear, anger, jealousy, have found a voice.  Love’s pain or rapture the brute bosoms swell.

Nature has symbols for her nobler joys,  Her nobler sorrows.

Who had dared foretell  That only man, by some sad mockery,  Should learn to laugh who learns that he must die?

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Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (17 August 1840[1] – 10 September 1922[2]), sometimes spelled Wilfred, was an English poet and writer. He and his wife, Lad…

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