2 min read

They Loved One Another

EY loved one another! young Edward and his wife,

And in their cottage-home they dwelt, apart from sin and strife.

Each evening Edward weary came from a day of honest toil,

And Mary made the fire blaze, and smiled a cheerful smile.

Oh! what was wealth or pomp to them, the gaudy glittering show,

Of jewels blazing on the breast, where heaves a heart of woe!

The merry laugh, the placid sleep, were theirs; they hated sloth,

And all the little that they had, belonged alike to both,                For they loved one another!

They loved one another; but one of them is gone,

And by that vainly cheerful hearth poor Edward sits alone.

He gazes round on all which used to make his heart rejoice,

And he misses Mary's gentle smile, he misses Mary's voice.

There are many in this chilly world who would not care to part,

Tho' they dwell together in one home, and ought to have one heart,

And yet they live! while never more those happy ones may meet;

And the echo from her home is gone of Mary's busy feet:                And they loved one another!

They loved one another! but she hath past away,

And taken with her all the light, the sunshine of his day;

And Edward makes no loud lament, nor idly sits and mourns,

But quietly goes forth at morn, and quietly returns.

The cottage now is still and dark, no welcome bids him home,

He passes it and wanders on, to sit by Mary's tomb.

Oh! weep my friends—for very sad and bitter it must

To yearn for some familiar face we never more may see—                When we loved one another!

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Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton, Lady Stirling-Maxwell (née Sheridan; 22 March 1808 – 15 June 1877) was an English social reformer and author ac…

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