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Marching To Germany

NG along together, lads ; we'll have a little song,

Kits won't be so heavy and the way won't be so long.

We're goin' to cook " the Sossiges," to cook 'em hot and strong While we go marching to Germany.

Chorus Hurrah, hurrah, for Berlin on the Spree !

Hurrah, hurrah, there's "Sossiges" for tea!

We're out to catch the Kaiser and bring him to his knee While we go marching to Germany.

How the girls all love us as they see us marching by!

Some of them are saucy ones, and some of them are shy.

Guess they know we're cold and wet to keep them warm and dry While we go marching to Germany.

What about the slacker chaps, who look before they leap?

Lads who like to save their skins and have their proper sleep Let them put on petticoats and feel a little cheap,

While we go marching to Germany.

Chorus Britain's little Army can be swept away like fluff;

That's the Kaiser's fairy tale ice we'll give the beggars snuff ;

Rattle 'em and bustle 'em, and make 'em shout "Enough!" While we go marching to Germany.

Chorus Hurrah, hurrah, for Berlin on the Spree!

Hurrah, hurrah, there's "Sossiges" for tea!

We're out to catch the Kaiser and to bring him to his knee,

While we go marching to Germany.

Can be sung to the tune of "Marching through Georgia" Sossiges - spelled phonetically 'Sausages'


Jessie Pope

Jessie Pope (18 March 1868 – 14 December 1941) was a British poet, writer and journalist, who remains best known for her patriotic, motivational…

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