1 min read

Improvisations Light And Snow 15

The music of the morning is red and warm;

Snow lies against the walls;

And on the sloping roof in the yellow

Pigeons huddle against the wind.

The music of evening is attenuated and thin —The moon seen through a wave by a mermaid;

The crying of a violin.

Far down there, far down where the river turns to the west,

The delicate lights begin to

On the dusky arches of the bridge:

In the green sky a long cloud,

A smouldering wave of smoky crimson,

Breaks in the freezing wind: and above it, unabashed,

Remote, untouched, fierly palpitant,

Sings the first star.

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Conrad Potter Aiken

Conrad Potter Aiken (August 5, 1889 – August 17, 1973) was an American writer and poet, honored with a Pulitzer Prize, a National Book Award, an…

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