2 мин

Flying Squirrels

On the rugged water

At the top of the bridle

Where years ago, as the old men say,

The splitters went with a bullock

But never a dray came back;

At the time of the gum tree bloom,

When the scent in the air is strong,

And the blossom stirs in the evening breeze,

You may see the squirrels among the trees,

Playing the whole night long.

Never a care at

Bothers their simple brains;

You can see them glide in the moonlight

From tree to tree and from limb to limb,

Little grey aeroplanes.

Each like a dormouse

In the spout of a gumtree old,

A ball of fur with a silver coat;

Each with his tail around his

For fear of his catching cold.

These are the things he eats,

Asking his friends to dine:

Moths and beetles and newborn shoots,

Honey and snacks of the native fruits,

And a glass of dew for wine.


A B Banjo Paterson

Andrew Barton "Banjo" Paterson, (17 February 1864 – 5 February 1941) was an Australian bush poet, journalist and author. He wrote many ballads a…

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