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I thank thee, friend, for the beautiful thought  That in words well chosen thou gavest to me,

Deep in the life of my soul it has wrought  With its own rare essence to ever imbue me,

To gleam like a star over devious ways,

To bloom like a flower on the drearest days­Better such gift from thee to me Than gold of the hills or pearls of the sea.

For the luster of jewels and gold may depart,  And they have in them no life of the giver,

But this gracious gift from thy heart to my heart  Shall witness to me of thy love forever;

Yea, it shall always abide with

As a part of my immortality;

For a beautiful thought is a thing divine,

So I thank thee, oh, friend, for this gift of thine.


Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery OBE (November 30, 1874 – April 24, 1942), published as L. M. Montgomery, was a Canadian author best known for a series of n…

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