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The Lass With The Delicate Air

Timid and smiling, beautiful and shy,

She drops her head at every passer bye.

Afraid of praise she hurries down the

And turns away from every smile she meets.

The forward clown has many things to

And holds her by the gown to make her stay,

The picture of good health she goes along,

Hale as the morn and happy as her song.

Yet there is one who never feels a

To whisper pleasing fancies in her ear;

Yet een from him she shuns a rude embrace,

And stooping holds her hands before her face,--She even shuns and fears the bolder wind,

And holds her shawl, and often looks behind.


John Clare

John Clare (13 July 1793 – 20 May 1864) was an English poet. The son of a farm labourer, he became known for his celebrations of the English cou…

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