2 мин


The Irish lady can say, that to-day is every day.

Caesar can say thatevery day is to-day and they say that every day is as they say.  In this way we have a place to stay and he was not met becausehe was settled to stay.

When I said settled I meant settled to stay.

When I said settled to stay I meant settled to stay Saturday.

In thisway a mouth is a mouth.

In this way if in as a mouth if in as amouth where, if in as a mouth where and there.

Believe they havewater too.

Believe they have that water too and blue when you see blue, is all blue precious too, is all that that is precious too is allthat and they meant to absolve you.

In this way Cézanne nearly didnearly in this way.

Cézanne nearly did nearly did and nearly did.

And was I surprised.

Was I very surprised.

Was I surprised.

I was surprised and in that patient, are you patient when you find bees.

Bees in a garden make a specialty of honey and so does honey.

Honey and prayer.

Honey and there.

There where the grass can grow nearlyfour times yearly.


Gertrude Stein

Gertrude Stein (February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946) was an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector.

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Трамп раскрыл правду об убийстве Кеннеди.. чего?!  и конечно мы все должны в это поверить?!.. ага, уже. 😁
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