2 min read

July In Georgy

I'm back down in ole Georgy w'ere de sun is shinin' hot,

W'ere de cawn it is a-tasslin', gittin' ready fu' de pot;

W'ere de cott'n is a-openin' an' a-w'itenin' in de sun,

An' de ripenin' o' de sugah-cane is mighty nigh begun.

An' de locus' is a-singin' f'om eveh bush an' tree,

An' you kin heah de hummin' o' de noisy bumblebee;

An' de mule he stan's a-dreamin' an' a-dreamin' in de lot,

An' de sun it is a-shinin' mighty hot, hot, hot.

But evehbody is a-restin', fu' de craps is all laid by,

An' time fu' de camp-meetin' is a-drawin' putty nigh;

An' we's put away de ploughshare, an' we's done hung up de spade,

An' we's eatin' watermelon, an' a-layin' in de shade.

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James Weldon Johnson

James Weldon Johnson (June 17, 1871 – June 26, 1938) was an American writer and civil rights activist. He was married to civil rights activist G…

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