4 мин

Transcription Of Organ Music

The flower in the glass peanut bottle formerly in the      kitchen crooked to take a place in the light, the closet door opened, because I used it before, it      kindly stayed open waiting for me, its owner.

I began to feel my misery in pallet on floor, listening      to music, my misery, that's why I want to sing.

The room closed down on me,

I expected the presence       of the Creator,

I saw my gray painted walls and      ceiling, they contained my room, they contained      meas the sky contained my garden,

I opened my door      The rambler vine climbed up the cottage post,the leaves in the night still where the day had placedthem, the animal heads of the flowers where they had arisen          to think at the sun      Can I bring back the words?

Will thought of transcription haze my mental open eye?      The kindly search for growth, the gracious de-sire to exist of the flowers, my near ecstasy at existingamong them      The privilege to witness my existence-you toomust seek the sun…      My books piled up before me for my use      waiting in space where I placed them, theyhaven't disappeared, time's left its remnants and qual-ities for me to use—my words piled up, my texts, my manuscripts, my loves.      I had a moment of clarity, saw the feeling inthe heart of things, walked out to the garden crying.      Saw the red blossoms in the night light, sun's gone, they had all grown, in a moment, and were wait-ing stopped in time for the day sun to come and givethem…      Flowers which as in a dream at sunset I wateredfaithfully not knowing how much I loved them.      I am so lonely in my glory—except they too outthere—I looked up—those red bush blossoms beckon-ing and peering in the window waiting in the blind love,their leaves too have hope and are upturned top flatto the sky to receive—all creation open to receive—the flat earth itself.      The music descends, as does the tall bending stalk of the heavy blossom, because it has to, to stayalive, to continue to the last drop of joy.      The world knows the love that's in its breast asin the flower, the suffering lonely world.      The Father is merciful.      The light socket is crudely attached to the ceil-ing, after the house was built, to receive a plug whichsticks in it alright, and serves my phonograph now…      The closet door is open for me, where I left it,since I left it open, it has graciously stayed open.      The kitchen has no door, the hole there will admit me should I wish to enter the kitchen.      I remember when I first got laid,


P. gra-ciously took my cherry,

I sat on the docks of Prov-incetown, age 23, joyful, elevated in hope with

Father, the door to the womb was open to admit meif I wished to enter.      There are unused electricity plugs all over myhouse if I ever needed them.      The kitchen window is open, to admit air…      The telephone—sad to relate—sits on thefloor—I haven't had the money to get it connected—      I want people to bow when they see me and sayhe is gifted with poetry, he has seen the presence ofthe Creator      And the Creator gave me a shot of his presenceto gratify my wish, so as not to cheat me of my yearningfor him.


Allen Ginsberg

Irwin Allen Ginsberg (June 3, 1926 – April 5, 1997) was an American poet and writer. As a student at Columbia University in the 1940s, he began …

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