The Song of the Tempest
Stern eagle of the far north-west,
Thou that bearest in thy grasp the thunderbolt,
Thou whose rushing pinions stir ocean to madness,
Thou the destroyer of herds, thou the scatterer of navies,
Stern eagle of the far north-west,
Thou that bearest in thy grasp the thunderbolt,
Thou whose rushing pinions stir ocean to madness,
Thou the destroyer of herds, thou the scatterer of navies,
The spring-wind pass'd through the forest, and whispered low in the leaves,
And the cedar toss'd her head, and the oak stood firm in his pride;
The spring-wind pass'd through the town, through the housetops, casements, and eaves,
These of living emanate a formidable light,
Which is equal to death, and when used Gives increase eternally
What fortifies in separate thought Is not drawn by wind or by man defiled
So whispers the parable of doubleness
You saw perched on a cliff a maid,
Her raiment white above the breakers,
When the mad sea reared up and
Its whips of spray on coastal