Good Counsel of Chaucer
Flee from the press, and dwell with soothfastness;
Suffice thee thy good, though it be small;
For hoard hath hate, and climbing tickleness,
Press hath envy, and weal is blent o'er all,
Flee from the press, and dwell with soothfastness;
Suffice thee thy good, though it be small;
For hoard hath hate, and climbing tickleness,
Press hath envy, and weal is blent o'er all,
ZE not on thy beauty's pride,
Tender maid, in the false tide That from lovers' eyes doth slide
Let thy faithful crystal show How thy colours come and go : Beauty takes a foil from woe
Love, that in those smooth streams lies Under pi...
What counsel has the hooded moon Put in thy heart, my shyly sweet,
Of Love in ancient plenilune,
Glory and stars beneath his feet — - A sage that is but kith and kin With the comedian Capuchin
Believe me rather that am wise In disre...