2 min read

LAn Trentiesme De Mon Eage

And I have come upon this

By lost ways, by a nod, by words,

By faces, by an old man's

At Morlaix lifted to the birds,

By hands upon the

At Aldebori's, by the

Child's hands that opened to the

And let the flutter of the moonlight in,

By hands, by voices, by the

Of Mrs.

Whitman on the stair,

By Margaret's "If we had the

To choose or not - "through her thick hair,

By voices, by the creak and

Of footsteps on the upper floor,

By silence waiting in the

Between the doorbell and the door,

By words, by voices, a lost way - ,

And here above the chimney

The unknown constellations sway -And by what way shall I go back?

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Archibald MacLeish

Archibald MacLeish (May 7, 1892 – April 20, 1982) was an American poet and writer who was associated with the modernist school of poetry. MacLei…

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Да мне реально фиолетово было просто, играть даже не пришлось ничего.. 🤷
Это уже очень подло и нечестно.. к сожалению, видимо, Россия не станет той страной, о которой я здесь так много писала..свободной и безопасной для всех людей.. а жаль.. 😞
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