1 мин


Wouldst see blithe looks, fresh cheeks

Age? wouldst see December smile?

Wouldst see nests of new roses

In a bed of reverend snow?

Warm thoughts, free spirits,

Winter's self into a spring?

In sum wouldst see a man that

Live to be old, and still a man?

Whose latest and most leaden hours,

Fall with soft wings stuck with soft flowers;

And, when life's sweet fable ends,

Soul and body part like friends;

No quarrels, murmurs, no delay —A kiss, a sigh, and so away.

This rare one, reader, wouldst thou see?

Hark hither! — and thyself be he.


Richard Crashaw

Richard Crashaw (c. 1613 – 21 August 1649) was an English poet, teacher, High Church Anglican cleric and Roman Catholic convert, who was among t…

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