2 min read

The Sisters

In the vine-shadows on the veranda;under the yellow leaves, in the cooling sun,sit two sisters.

Their slow voices runlike little winter creeks, dwindled by frost and wind,and the square of sunlight moves on the veranda.

They remember the gay young men on their tall horseswho came courting; the dancing and the smells of leather and wine, the girls whispering by the fire together;even their dolls and ponies, all they have left behindmoves in the yellow shadows on the veranda.

Thinking of their lives apart and the men they marriedthinking  of the marriage-bed and the birth of their firstchild,they look down smiling. “My life was wide and wild,and who can know my heart?

There in that golden jungleI walk alone,” say the old sisters on the veranda.

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Judith Wright

Judith Arundell Wright (31 May 1915 – 25 June 2000) was an Australian poet, environmentalist and campaigner for Aboriginal land rights. She was …

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Это уже очень подло и нечестно.. к сожалению, видимо, Россия не станет той страной, о которой я здесь так много писала..свободной и безопасной для всех людей.. а жаль.. 😞
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