1 min read


The same and not quite the same,

I walked through oak

Amazed that my Muse,


Has in no way diminished my amazement.

A magpie was screeching and I said:


What is magpiety?

I shall never achieveA magpie heart, a hairy nostril over the beak, a

That always renews just when coming down,

And so I shall never comprehend magpiety.

If however magpiety does not

My nature does not exist either.

Who would have guessed that, centuries later,

I would invent the question of universals?

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Czeslaw Milosz

Czesław Miłosz (30 June 1911 – 14 August 2004) was a Polish-American poet, prose writer, translator, and diplomat. Regarded as one of the great …

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