2 min read

The Bull

In the olive darkness of the sally-treessilently moved the air from night to day.

The summer-grass was thick with honey daisieswhere he, a curled god, a red Jupiter,heavy with power among his women lay.

But summer's bubble-sound of sweet creek-waterdwindles and is silent, the seeding grassesgrow harsh, and wind and frost in the black salliesroughen the sleek-haired slopes.

Seek him out, then,the angry god betrayed, whose godhead passes,and down the hillsides drive him from his mob.

What enemy steals his strength - what rival stealshis mastered cows?

His thunders powerless,the red storm of his body shrunk with fear,runs the great bull, the dogs upon his heels.

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Judith Wright

Judith Arundell Wright (31 May 1915 – 25 June 2000) was an Australian poet, environmentalist and campaigner for Aboriginal land rights. She was …

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Не должно быть сейчас никакой смертной казни. Я сама уже больше 10 лет переживаю травлю с угрозами разными расправами, и смертной казнью в том числе, только мне не пишут, а говорят на словах. (пост прерывается рекламой читайте до конца).
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