3 мин

The Harvest

Sun on the mountain,

Shade in the valley,

Ripple and

Leaping along the world,

Sun, like a gold

Plucked from the scabbard,

Striking the wheat-fields,

Splendid and lusty,

Close-standing, full-headed,

Toppling with plenty;

Shade, like a

Kindly and ample,

Sweeping the

Darkening and tossing;

There on the

Winds break and

Heaping the

For the pyre of the sunset;

And still as a shadow,

In the dim westward,

A cloud sloop of

Moored to the

With cables of rain.

Acres of gold

Stir in the sunshine,

Rounding the hill-top,

Crested with plenty,

Filling the valley,

Brimmed with abundance,

Wind in the

Eddying and settling,

Swaying it, sweeping it,

Lifting the rich heads,

Tossing them

Twinkle and

The lights and the shadowings,

Nimble as

Astir in the mere.

Laden with

Of peace and of plenty,

Soft comes the

From the ranks of the wheat-field,

Bearing a promise Of harvest and sickle-time,


Dusty and dim With the whirl of the flail,

And wagons of bread,

Sown-laden and

Through the gateways of cities.

When will the reapers Strike in their sickles,

Bending and grasping,

Shearing and spreading;

When will the

Searching the

Take the last

Home in their arms ?

Ask not the question! -Something

Moves to the answer.

Hunger and

Heaped like the

Welters and mutters,

Hold back the sickles!

Millions of

Born to their mothers' womb,

Starved at the nipple, cry,—Ours is the harvest!

Millions of women Learned in the

Secrets of poverty,

Sweated and beaten, cry,—Hold back the sickles!

Millions of

With a vestige of manhood,

Wild-eyed and gaunt-throated,

Shout with a

Accent of anger,

Leaves us the wheat-fields!

When will the reapers Strike in their sickles?

Ask not the question;


Moves to the answer.

Long have they

Their fiery,

Sickles of carnage,

Welded them

Ago in the

Of suffering and anguish;

Hearts were their hammers Blood was their fire,

Sorrow their anvil,(Trusty the

Tempered with tears Time they had plenty-Harvests and

Passed them in agony,

Only a

Ear for their lot;

Man that has

God for a

Made him a law,

Mocked him and cursed him,

Set up this hunger,

Called it necessity,

Put in the blameless

Juda's language:

The poor ye have with

Always, unending.

But up from the

Anguish of children,

Up from the

Fruitless, unmeaning,

Of millions of mothers,

Hugely necessitous,

Grew by a just

Stern and implacable,

Art born of poverty,

The making of

Meet for the harvest.

And now to the

Come the weird

Armed with their sickles,

Whipping them

In the fresh-air fields,

Wild with the joy of them,

Finding them trusty,

Hilted with teen.

Swarming like ants,

The Idea for captain,

No banners, no bugles,

Only a

Ground-bass of

Tempest and fury,

Only a

Of arms and of garments;

Sexless and featureless,(Only the

Different among them,

Crawling between their feet,

Borne on their shoulders Rolling their shaggy

Wild with the

Drug of the sunshine;

Tears that had

The half of their

Dry on their cheeks;

Blood in their stiffened

Clouted and darkened;

Down in their cavern

Hunger the tiger,

Leaping, exulting;

Sighs that had choked

Burst into triumphing;

On they come,


Up to the wheat-fields,

Dreamed of in

Bred by the hunger,

Seen for the first

Splendid and golden;

On they come fluctuant,

Seething and breaking,

Weltering like

In the pit of the earthquake,

Bursting in

With the sudden

Lust of the hunger:

Then when they see them-The miles of the

White in the sunshine,

Rushing and stumbling,

With the mighty and

Cry of a

Starved from creation,

Hurl themselves onward,

Deep in the wheat-fields,

Weeping like children,

After ages and ages,

Back at the mother the earth.

Night in the valley,

Gloom on the mountain,

Wind in the wheat,

Far to the

The flutter of lightning,

The shudder of thunder;

But high at the zenith,

A cluster of

Glimmers and

In the gasp of the midnight,

Steady and absolute,

Ancient and sure


Duncan Campbell Scott

Duncan Campbell Scott CMG FRSC (August 2, 1862 – December 19, 1947) was a Canadian bureaucrat, poet and prose writer. With Charles G.D. Roberts,…

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