1 min read

Shakespeares Kingdom

When Shakespeare came to London He met no shouting throngs;

He carried in his knapsack A scroll of quiet songs.

No proud heraldic trumpet Acclaimed him on his way;

Their court and camp have perished;

The songs live on for ay.

Nobody saw or heard them,

But, all around him there,

Spirits of light and music Went treading the April air.

He passed like any pedlar,

Yet he had wealth untold.

The galleons of th' armada Could not contain his gold.

The kings rode on to darkness.

In England's conquering hour,

Unseen arrived her splendour;

Unknown, her conquering power.

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Alfred Noyes

Alfred Noyes CBE (16 September 1880 – 25 June 1958) was an English poet, short-story writer and playwright.

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