2 мин

Cliff Klingenhagen

Cliff Klingenhagen had me in to dine  With him one day; and after soup and meat,  And all the other things there were to eat,  Cliff took two glasses and filled one with wine  And one with wormwood.

Then, without a

For me to choose at all, he took the draught  Of bitterness himself, and lightly quaffed  It off, and said the other one was mine.    And when I asked him what the deuce he meant  By doing that, he only looked at

And smiled, and said it was a way of his.  And though I know the fellow,

I have spent  Long time a-wondering when I shall be  As happy as Cliff Klingenhagen is.


Edwin Arlington Robinson

Edwin Arlington Robinson (December 22, 1869 – April 6, 1935) was an American poet. Robinson won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry on three occasions…

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