1 мин

Blue Squills

How many million Aprils

Before I ever

How white a cherry bough could be,

A bed of squills, how blue!

And many a dancing

When life is done with me,

Will lift the blue flame of the

And the white flame of the tree.

Oh burn me with your beauty, then,

Oh hurt me, tree and flower,

Lest in the end death try to

Even this glistening hour.

O shaken flowers,

O shimmering trees,

O sunlit white and blue,

Wound me, that I, through endless sleep,

May bear the scar of you.


Sara Teasdale

Sara Teasdale (August 8, 1884 – January 29, 1933) was an American lyric poet. She was born Sarah Trevor Teasdale in St. Louis, Missouri, and use…

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