1 min read

A Prayer

Oh earth, oh dewy mother, breathe on

Something of all thy beauty and thy might,

Us that are part of day, but most of night,

Not strong like thee, but ever burdened

With glooms and cares, things pale and

Whose gladest moments are not wholly bright;

Something of all they freshness and thy light,

Oh earth, oh mighty mother, breathe on us.

Oh mother, who wast long before our day,

And after us full many an age shalt be.

Careworn and blind, we wander from thy way:

Born of thy strength, yet weak and halt are

Grant us, oh mother, therefore, us who pray,

Some little of thy light and majesty.

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Archibald Lampman

Archibald Lampman (17 November 1861 – 10 February 1899) was a Canadian poet. "He has been described as 'the Canadian Keats;' and he is perhaps t…

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