2 min read

Ears In The Turrets Hear

Ears in the turrets

Hands grumble on the door,

Eyes in the gables

The fingers at the locks.

Shall I unbolt or

Alone till the day I

Unseen by

In this white house?

Hands, hold you poison or grapes?

Beyond this island

By a thin sea of

And a bone coast,

The land lies out of

And the hills out of mind.

No birds or flying

Disturbs this island's rest.

Ears in this island

The wind pass like a fire,

Eyes in this island

Ships anchor off the bay.

Shall I run to the

With the wind in my hair,

Or stay till the day I

And welcome no sailor?

Ships, hold you poison or grapes?

Hands grumble on the door,

Ships anchor off the bay,

Rain beats the sand and slates.

Shall I let in the stranger,

Shall I welcome the sailor,

Or stay till the day I die?

Hands of the stranger and holds of the ships,

Hold you poison or grapes?

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Dylan Thomas

Was a Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "And death shall have no dominion"; the "p…

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