2 min read

The Slave-Auction--A Fact

Why stands she near the auction stand,

That girl so young and fair;

What brings her to this dismal place,

Why stands she weeping there?

Why does she raise that bitter cry?

Why hangs her head with shame,

As now the auctioneer's rough voice,

So rudely calls her name?

But see! she grasps a manly hand,

And in a voice so low,

As scarcely to be heard, she says,'My brother, must I go?'A moment's pause: then midst a

Of agonizing woe,

His answer falls upon the ear,'Yes, sister, you must go!''No longer can my arm defend,

No longer can I

My sister from the horrid

That waits her as a

VE!'Ah! now I know why she is there,

She came there to be sold!

That lovely form, that noble mind,

Must be exchanged for gold!

O God! my every heart-string cries,

Dost thou these scenes

In this our boasted Christian land,

And must the truth be told?


Christian, blush! for e'en the

Untutored heathen

Thy inconsistency, and lo!

They scorn thy God, and thee!

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