1 min read


It's snowing this afternoon and there are no flowers.

There is only this sound of falling, quiet and remote,

Like the memory of scales descending the white

Of a childhood piano—outside the window, palms!

And the heavy head of the cereus, inclining,

Soon to let down its white or yellow-white.

Now, only these poor snow-flowers in a heap,

Like the memory of a white dress cast down . . .

So much has fallen.                                And I, who have listened for a

All afternoon, hear it now, but already falling away,

Already in memory.  And the terrible scales

On the silent piano; the snow; and the absent flowers abounding.

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Donald Justice

(August 12, 1925 – August 6, 2004) was an American teacher of writing and poet who won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1980. In summing up Just…

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