1 мин

The Lemmings

Once in a hundred years the Lemmings

Westward, in search of food, over the snow;

Westward until the salt sea drowns them dumb;

Westward, till all are drowned, those Lemmings go.

Once, it is thought, there was a westward

Now drowned where there was food for those starved things,

And memory of the place has burnt its

In the little brains of all the Lemming Kings.

Perhaps, long since, there was a land

Westward from death, some city, some calm

Where one could taste God's quiet and be

With the little beauty of a human face;

But now the land is drowned.

Yet we still

Westward, in search, to death, to nothingness.


John Masefield

John Edward Masefield OM (/ˈmeɪsˌfiːld, ˈmeɪz-/; 1 June 1878 – 12 May 1967) was an English poet and writer, and Poet Laureate from 1930 until 19…

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