2 min read

Hymn After Battle

Lord of this blood-drenched battle plain,

Lord of the foe our hands have

Glory to Thee amidst the dead,

That Thou hast still Thy people led,

And shattered thus,

O Lord benign,

This people that was also Thine!

Lord of our high, triumphant state,

Lord of the hearths made desolate --Shall they not praise Thee, they that

Beside those hearths the dead we slew?

Yea, at Thine altar let them bow,

God of their dead and them art Thou!

Lord of the darkness and the sun,

While we give thanks for victory won,

Surely each blackening wound that

Here in these broken human shapes,

Mouths but its praise of all Thy powers!

Thou wert their God no less than ours.

Yet is it well that men

Recrown their fathers' god of clay?

Yet is it well that from his

The savage in our blood should

To flatter from this reeking

The spirit of his primal god?

Nay, we were best be mute, and

No blasphemy of boastful praise,

Scatter no incense on the air,

Nor lift our reddened hands in prayer,

But dig the earth our steps defame,

And hide these trophies of our shame.

Silence the braggart lips that

The brute that slumbers in us

Back to the ravening triumph

Of rending claws and bloody jowl --Lest we forget the heights sublime,

And lapse into our ancient slime.

Daily Herald,

August 6, 1914

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Кстати да... это уже жесть, как она есть.😮🆘 (обращаю сразу внимание что я никого не сужу, и никому не желаю ничего плохого, и бомб на головы врагов тоже(слова Ткачёва о бомбах на головы врагов), а лишь наблюдаю за происходящим. Упаси Господь всех людей от бомб, ибо это ад)
Для некоторых блудные дела это норма и они реально ничего такого в этом не видят.
Священники женоненавистники, Слава Богу их не много.. 🙏..
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