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Father is quite the greatest poet       That ever lived anywhere.   You say you’re going to write great music—       I chose that first: it’s unfair.   Besides, now I can’t be the greatest painter and         do Christ and angels, or lovely pears           and apples and grapes on a green dish,           or storms at sea, or anything lovely,   Because that’s been taken by Claire.     It’s stupid to be an engine-driver,    And soldiers are horrible men.   I won’t be a tailor,

I won’t be a sailor,       And gardener’s taken by Ben.   It’s unfair if you say that you’ll write great           music, you horrid, you unkind (I sim-         ply loathe you, though you are my           sister), you beast, cad, coward, cheat,           bully, liar!   Well?

Say what’s left for me then!     But we won’t go to your ugly music.    (Listen!) Ben will garden and dig,   And Claire will finish her wondrous pictures       All flaming and splendid and big.   And I’ll be a perfectly marvellous carpenter,           and I’ll make cupboards and benches        and tables and… and baths, and           nice wooden boxes for studs and           money,   And you’ll be jealous, you pig!

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Robert Graves

Robert von Ranke Graves (24 July 1895 – 7 December 1985) was a British poet, historical novelist, critic, and classicist. His father was Alfred …

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